Payment Policy
- MasterCard
- American Express
- Discover
- Diners Club
- Apple Pay
All payments are processed in GBP and additional currency conversion fees may apply depending on your bank.
Payment Terms:
Payment on Order: Payment is made directly upon ordering. Your order will only be processed after successful payment confirmation.
Security: All payments are processed through secure payment systems. Your payment information is transmitted encrypted and is not stored on our servers.
Refunds: In case of a refund, the amount will be refunded to the original payment method. The refund will be processed within 10 business days after the return is approved.
Payment Issues: If you encounter any payment issues or have any questions about your payment, please contact our customer service at
Late Payment: In the event of late payment, we reserve the right to cancel your order and take legal action.
Contact details:
If you have any payment questions or problems, please contact us at:
Email address:
Phone number: +44 7723781446
Address: 273 Upper Richmond Road, London, England, SW15 6SP, United Kingdom